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Zusammenarbeit mit Caritas Basel

Since 2013, when Vector SwissAngola Migrant Advice Centre was founded, we have been supporting Caritas Basel. We are able to issue our customers with culture cards and Caritas store cards directly. We would like to thank Caritas Basel Stadt- for their trust and cooperation in overcoming the economic hardship of our customers.

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Collaboration with the Bern University of Applied Sciences Department of Social Work

 2019  Wir wissen es sehr zu schätzen, dass auf wissenschaftliche Ebene auch eine gute Zusammenarbeit sich ergeben hat. Wir dürfen PraktikantInnen instruieren, die eine Ausbildung an der renommierten BFHS anstreben.


I am always looking for new, exciting ways to support people on their journey.

+41 76 665 75 69


We would love to hear from you

00 41 76 665 75 69

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